Monday, April 20, 2015

BB-8 ball droid

I recently saw this just surfing the Internet. It's a droid that is based after the droid on Star Wars. Since another movie teaser recently came out, I thought it was fitting to make a post about this. My little brother happens to be obsessed with Star Wars, so he was extremely excited to see the new teaser for the movie. Here it is in case you guys have not seen it:

That looks pretty exciting to me. So since this came out, Christian Poulsen decided to build one of his own. He split a first generation Sphero and then he attached a neodymium magnet onto the robot's stabilization arm. Here's a video of it:

I thought it was a cute little robot. What do you guys think?

Monday, April 6, 2015

Apple Watch

The release of the Apple Watch is just around the corner. It comes out on April 24th. It has lots of cool features that I am excited about.

One of them that I find the most interesting is that they have apps like they have on the iPhone. They also have other apps that are not available on the iPhone. Here's a video that shows some of its features.

They have different models of the watch, including the sports model. The sports model has a fitness app pre-downloaded.

I'd say that the cons of this is the price which is almost as much as a iPhone. It also requires a iPhone in order for it to work.

For more information on the Apple Watch, you can visit their site here.