Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tesla Home Battery

Last week, Tesla Motors announced a new product called Powerwall. It is a battery that powers homes or businesses. It can store 10 kilowatt-hours of power and can power a household for several hours, which would be very handy for when the power goes out.

The other version called the Powerpack is made for businesses. It is designed to be easy to install and can connect to the Internet so you can monitor the power usage.

What do you guys think? Do you think that this is a good power alternative?

Monday, May 4, 2015

Transparent Solar Cells

There is a new solar cell that has been made by researchers in Michigan State University back in August 2014 that is completely transparent. The researchers have said that it can be used on “tall buildings with lots of windows or any kind of mobile device that demands high aesthetic quality like a phone or e-reader.”

Transparent Solar Cell
They are now getting closer to releasing this out on the market. Since it is very hard to produce a transparent solar cell, they have used transparent luminescent solar concentrator (TLSC) that is composed of organic salts that absorb specific ultraviolet wavelengths. It now only has a efficiency of 1%, but they hope to have 10% in the future when production begins. 

How light passes through the solar cell


More About 3D Printers

So, I know that I have done another post about 3D printers, but I just think they are so interesting. They can make so many different things and I think it's amazing. Most 3D printers only print in one color but a printer called The Pallette can print in more than one.

Not only can it add more than one color, it can also use different elements to make the object, like wood or carbon fiber. Here is a video of how it works:

They are not yet available on the market, but their Crowdfunding Campaign is becoming a success so we may see them later on.

What do you guys think? Do you think this would be a great tool to put out on the market?

Friday, May 1, 2015

Microsoft HoloLens

Have you guys heard about Microsoft's new HoloLens? It's a new virtual reality type computer. It uses equipment that look like glasses. It combine holograms with what you can see through the glasses so it will look like they are actually there. Here is a video of how it works:

Here is a better demonstration of it:

This actually looks really awesome. It is still in its prototype right now. Are you guys excited about this? Because I am.

Disney's Acoustruments

I thought that this was pretty interesting and wanted to share it with you guys. It is a new thing from Disney Research. They are plastic/cardboard accessories that can control phones by sound. They work by tubes that have holes in them. It is kind of like how a flute works. They do not have to be just a hole though, they can also work through buttons, knobs, switches, wheels, and sliders. Anything that can alter sound would work. Here is a video of how they work:

They are also cheap to make, which means that if they are sold they will be cheap to buy. As you can see in the video, they have made an alarm clock and a toy car app. This is something I might buy if it were to ever go out on the market. What do you guys think of it?

Monday, April 20, 2015

BB-8 ball droid

I recently saw this just surfing the Internet. It's a droid that is based after the droid on Star Wars. Since another movie teaser recently came out, I thought it was fitting to make a post about this. My little brother happens to be obsessed with Star Wars, so he was extremely excited to see the new teaser for the movie. Here it is in case you guys have not seen it:

That looks pretty exciting to me. So since this came out, Christian Poulsen decided to build one of his own. He split a first generation Sphero and then he attached a neodymium magnet onto the robot's stabilization arm. Here's a video of it:

I thought it was a cute little robot. What do you guys think?

Monday, April 6, 2015

Apple Watch

The release of the Apple Watch is just around the corner. It comes out on April 24th. It has lots of cool features that I am excited about.

One of them that I find the most interesting is that they have apps like they have on the iPhone. They also have other apps that are not available on the iPhone. Here's a video that shows some of its features.

They have different models of the watch, including the sports model. The sports model has a fitness app pre-downloaded.

I'd say that the cons of this is the price which is almost as much as a iPhone. It also requires a iPhone in order for it to work.

For more information on the Apple Watch, you can visit their site here.